And a lot of it!
Tiffany BroddaThis is what it looked like at the track yesterday! Can You tell me who´s winning? It was really coming down, and getting home at night after the races was a serious adventure in it self.
For those of you who´s not familiar with our location, we live on an island and our contact with the mainland is by ferry only. Now this chunk of metal only runs once an hour after 11pm and the races usually end by 10, so I usually have just barely enough time to make it. This fact kinda makes all of us Islanders somewhat of a liability going home (most people work in town, off the island) and yesterday was no exception. Let´s just say I´m thankful for my 4wheel drive! To make matters more interesting there´s no shortage of wildlife out towards Adelsö, and sometimes there´s a regular gauntlet with moose, deer and boars crossing the road. Luckily yesterday it was just bad, bad road and a few folks who shouldn´t have been out driving! I made the ferry just barely, palefaced, white knuckles and all!
Starstruck IchiBetween races I had time to watch the second go of the Augusta Futurity and again, no one really separated themselves from the pack but a lot of good, solid runs.
Catlike Kit - Phil Rapp and Cat A Ray - Brad Mitchell both scoring 219 and a couple of others in the higher teens. The favorite in the finals Saturday? To me it´s a toss up between a handful of horses, Starstruck Ichi I really like and if Austin Shepard can clean up his cuts a little I think he´s got the best chance. But Smooth O´Toole, Bet Hesa Cat, Cat A Rey and Catlike Kit have shown they can score high so I don´t know...
Peak EasyAs for the Peeka Peps, Peak Easy made his second straight Open Final and of course he also has a chance! He´s maby not quite up there with the best yet and he was a little too ambitious on his cows last night and got up on them a bit too much. If Tommy Marvin can settle him down a little he atleast should bring home a decent check.
CP Peekn Sneakin BlueThe 4 yo Non-Pro starts to day and in the fourth set is another Peeka Pep; CP Peekn Sneakin Blue with owner Lloyd Baxley in the saddle.