Thursday, April 15, 2010

Showing...... or not

Worked Brady in the two rein yesterday. He did alright, though at times he gets alittle chargy.
He gets better when we stop and he has to back circles when he want´s to take off. Just wish he´d simmer down and stop questioning my choice of speed all the time. Takes up a bunch of time and just ads frustration. Well, gives me an opportunity to work on my patience I guess.

Just realized that if we´re to show this summer, we´ll have to do it in the bridle! Hadn´t really thought about that before, but as he´s 7 years old he´s disqualified from the hackamore and two rein. Not sure he´ll be ready for the bridle by the time the shows we´re aiming for gets here. He´s had some issues with soundness and I´ve had a lack of time over the years, so we´ve really took things slow and easy.
Late last year was really the first time I ever thought about competing. He´s really good in the hackamore, but he needs to know I´m there to correct him at times, lifting a shoulder, tipping a nose etc. He really needs to be framed up in the lead changes aswell or he´ll take it as an excuse to say sayonara, and be gone! These issues are not quick fixable in the bridle so we´ll see how far he´s along in the two rein come summer and take it from there.
I will definately not rush him for a show that he´s not ready for! So we´ll see...

(Oh yeah, Polly is looking good!)


  1. Jada, jada, jada, bara ursäkter hela tiden!!


  2. En riktig cojbojsare har alltid en ursäkt! Så det så!!

    Närå, men lite kom allt paniken krypande när jag kom på detta!

  3. Ingenting mot paniken när du hör "Nästa ryttare Martin Langels och Brady håller sig beredd"
