Got all the bikes, outdoor furniture etc stored up in the barn for the winter. Got an acheing back as a "thank you sir". The day started out in a gray and drizzleing twilight. Your average Swedish autumn day. Later in the afternoon the sun peeked out and it got pretty warm for a late october day. I got the cutting machine, Norsten, up and running and gave Brady a pretty good workout. He just loved it! He hasn´t seen the pro-cutter since before the bulls arrived this spring, but he was really getting after it. Not the most athletic moves ever witnessed, but he tries. And he really wants do dominate that "cow".

Gave the fillies a run too with some groundwork. Molly is like a sponge and just wants to learn and please, really makes you feel good working her. Cat made some serious progress too in todays workout. The main thing there is keeping her calm and focused. After some inicial "babyism" she simmered down and we actually learned something today. She´s really smart too but as I said before she needs a little more time and patience. When she´s healed up ok she will be really fun to ride and feels like one of thoose horses you can control with your pinkies. She´s got lot of action!

The little fillie Polly has got some moves aswell! We had a bit of a disagreement tonight and when I firmed up somewhat she showed a ton of action. Sorta like her 2yo brother P.J. but quicker and with more explosion.