The forecast is predicting more snow today and tomorrow. As much as 2 feet could come down on saturday. Not sure how that will affect us, but I piled up on groceries at the store this morning incase they won´t be able to keep the roads open.
Gave Brady a workout yesterday. With snow up to his belly we worked on softness and lightness. Also on having him take responsibillity for maintaining speed and gait. To make it harder for him, we were out in the summer pastures where he normaly is a bit chargy. As soon as he sped up I broke him down to a stop and had him back circles. After a few of those in the deep snow he descided charging off just wasn´t that much fun.

Ida rode Fiffelina bareback and they seemed to enjoy themselves tremendously in the snow.
I really enjoy watching the fillys out in the pasture. My two girls are so different, both in conformation and their disposition. Molly is as pretty as they come, but a more compact model. Cat on the other hand is more elegant and graceful in her apearance. She´s more confident and almost alittle pushy at times so you really have to be firm with her. Molly is more withdrawn, like her mother and brother P.J. and while Cat glides around, head held high, Molly, when she moves it´s more of an explosion. She slammes on the brakes does a 180, airborne, just like that.

As things look now Molly will be more of a cutter type and Cat looks like a really promising bridle horse prospect as long as I can keep her light and responsive.
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