Monday, March 1, 2010

DrrrrBrrrrkatching!!! (Drumroll)

It´s complete! I know you all been eagerly awaiting this day as have I....The bosal is finished!!!!
I´ve aged 50 years in the process and I are now seeing a shrink who is considering one of thoose white aprons with straps in the back for me.

No it´s not for sale, but thank you for asking!
And I don´t think I will use it on a horse as it might get dirty!

I´ve also invented this shaping block wich I will patent and make millions off of.


  1. Sorry Martin, it is nothing but a dead cow.....



  2. And by the way it acted while being braided it was either Brahma or one of those Mexican, raised in the wild corriente´s!!!

    But thank you! I´m pretty proud of the fact I made one that atleast resembles a bosal at a distance...
