WORK, that´s what!
Had a hole bunch of appointments and stuff last week. Ben´s school, some photo shoots of construction sites of all things! I climbed on roofs down town and took pics wearing a hard hat and vests and what not, looking like a pro up there. Pretty cool views of the city also...

Then on Wednesday while working at the racetrack there was a wreck where one of our most celebrated trainers got hurt really bad. His horse stumbled and fell and he flew over his head and hit the ground hard. He´s still in a coma and we don´t know what his status will be once out of it, but it doesn´t look good. Our prayers are with him and his family.

Also been finishing of what the carpenters started, renovating our bathroom and Ben´s new room. Painting windows, doorframes and alike.
Havn´t been able to work Brady much, just some trail trips around the place, some roping and yesterday I tried to drag the arena with him! I couldn´t get my car up there as there´s way too much snow, even borrowed a neighbours Landrover but it got stuck and I had to winch it out of there. So I took Brady and roped the homemade arena harrow, dallied and had him drag it around. Only thing I got accomplished was a heavy breathing horse and some really pretty stripes on the crust!

Loaded the fillies in the trailer for the first time yesterday. They walked right in as if they´d done nothing but. Pretty levelheaded horses those two.

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