Thursday, April 22, 2010

Rest for my behind

Won´t be riding Brady for awhile as he managed to cut himself in the pasture yesterday. Nothing major, but a deep enough cut to render him some rest. The cut is on his front heel and of course he threw his shoe aswell, so now I´ll have to bend my back again( Nah, I´ll let Annelie shoe him...)

Gives me more time for the little rascals though. They need to be handled some. Learn to be off by themselves and not be so herdbound.

The new filly, Polly, is a handful! She´s as tough as they come and really fun to observe and handle. She spends more time on her rear legs than on all fours! Had to throw her to get a halter on the other day and if she could growl, she would have! I think the best mares I´ve been around has been on the tough side. Not alway´s fun to deal with, but I believe that grit and determination carries them a long way.


  1. Fan, man skulle linda in dem i bommull och ha dem uppbundna. I år när tävlingsäsongen löper från under ca 7 veckor gäller det att de 7 veckorna är jädrigt skadefria!! Hoppas han kryar sig!!

  2. Det enda possitiva är väl att kommer vi inte från gården så är vi ju fortfarande obesegrade, eller?

    Det är ju annars risken man får ta när man låter hästar vara hästar, tillsammans i flock...
