Friday, August 13, 2010

Work, work, work

Our day´s since getting back from California have been pretty much like the movie Groundhog day. Same deal over and over again. Up early to kick the rooster awake, let the ponies out. Quick check of the pastured horses, bulls and other kritters on the place. Cup of coffe, shower and hopefully something to eat before rushing out the door and driving like a maniac to catch the 7.00 am ferry. To the office and spend all day "officeing". Drive like a maniac (if possible in the rush hour traffic) to catch the 6.00 pm ferry back home. Get the some horses caught and sadled. Work them a little. Rope some and maybe play with the bulls a little before heading for the kitchen and a late dinner and lots and lots of pics from Ca to work through.

Must mention that the new ranch rope I got from Scott Grosskopfs makes a lot of difference. If I´d used that at the Fiesta I might actually have caught something other than my horses foot... (atleast both of my horses feet instead of just the one...)

Ida takes every opportunity to rope and ride in the hackamore. She really tries and "daddy´s" real proud!

Need to doctor one of the bulls tonight. He´s got a cut on his back that needs some treatment. We´ll see if we can get him caught...

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