Timber and I hit the trail today. Just to make sure he wasn´t barn sour or herd bound. Just walked right out of there and never looked back. Tried him through som rugged stuff too, crashing through brush and climbing alittle. Didn´t care much for brush but he did weave his way through it after mullin on it for a bit. Worked him some out in a field aswell. He doesn´t know a thing about legaids, spur or weight! He´s got the same problem many harness horses have, they are stiff as boards when turning or making a circle. Just the way they´ve been worked before, pulling a cart, you cant really turn on a dime or bend properly pulling a cart, it usually turns into a stiff sidepass ofsorts with the head pulled sideway´s. So he really needs some work there. Not muscled enough to carry himself properly, thus making any form of collection a real challange. He´s starting to soften and relax in his poll and neck though and tries to respond to my legs. He just doesn´t know how yet.
Moved the Highlands today aswell. They sorta know the routine now, but there´s always one or two efforts to breake free. Today they forced me up a steep ridge, as usual crashing through the woods, splinters flying. Once headed and turned back the right way they settled down and wallowed along fairly quiet, atleast by highland standards.
They had one more breakaway in them though and they decided against winterpasture and tried to stampeede back the way we came. Brady and I had to put on our capes one more time to save the day, and headed them and steered them back on track.
Brady was a bit fresh today, he´d been off for two weeks so that was to be expected. No blowups though, just eager.
Hahah do I see some golden bell boots? nice!
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately not, dirty white ones!! LOL